
適 於Windows 電腦及實體伺服器

ABB 與Synology Virtual Machine Manager VMM 整合Synology 內建的Hypervisor),提供. Active Backup for Business 獨特的兩項功能:虛擬機器及實體伺服器的備份驗證及即時 ...

Active Backup for Business - 管理 冊

Active Backup for Business ABB 為⼀款Synology 的全⽅位商⽤資料保護解決⽅案,且搭載獲獎無. 數的DSM 作業系統。ABB 可集中保護多種IT 環境的資料,包含虛擬機器、 ...

Active Backup for Business (ABB) Likes and Dislikes

Learn more about the top Active Backup for Business (ABB) likes and dislikes by our reviewers. Read the latest reviews and find the best Enterprise Backup ...

【客戶案例】Active Backup for Business(ABB) 備份應用案例


Active Backup for Business(ABB)

I currently use ABB for backup on my four Windows PCs. In the storage manager, it indicates that ABB is utilizing approximately 99% of my 11TB ...

Active Backup for Business

Active Backup for Business (ABB) makes it easier to deploy multiple PC backup tasks in business environments. Self-service restoration. Active Backup for ...

Active Backup for Business 技術規格

Active Backup for Business 旨在提供全面性但集中化的資料保護儲存方案,幫助您輕鬆備份企業用電腦、虛擬機器、實體伺服器及檔案伺服器。

用NAS 把你的人生通通備起來!Synology Active Backup for ...

從套件中心安裝ABB △ 從套件中心安裝 Active Backup for Business 套件. Active Backup ... 要注意Active Backup for Business 復原精靈已經包含在Active ...


ABB與SynologyVirtualMachineManagerVMM整合Synology內建的Hypervisor),提供.ActiveBackupforBusiness獨特的兩項功能:虛擬機器及實體伺服器的備份驗證及即時 ...,ActiveBackupforBusinessABB為⼀款Synology的全⽅位商⽤資料保護解決⽅案,且搭載獲獎無.數的DSM作業系統。ABB可集中保護多種IT環境的資料,包含虛擬機器、 ...,LearnmoreaboutthetopActiveBackupforBusiness(ABB)likesanddislikesbyourreviewers.Readthelatestr...